Saturday, October 1, 2011


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24 Things: The Autumn Surrender.

The 24 Things Clearing Challenge.  Create your inspired future.
Join us on Saturday October 1, 2011 for the second installment of 24 Things. You don’t even have to leave home.
Letting go can be a challenge. We sometimes feel that we are defined by our possessions or are the sum of our experiences.
When you let go and create freedom, whether it be in the home, mind or body, you create a sacred space. Here you can develop the faith that you will be provided for and cherished without the aid of material things.

Make room for your best life.
The Challenge:
Every day, let go of one thing in your home and give it to charity, a friend or the trash can. You can start anywhere you like. You can tend to things in need or repair, clean out one drawer, or en entire basement. Wherever you decide to start, you will be amazed what you uncover about yourself in the process.
How to begin:
Day one: focus on what you want to call into your life, write it down in a journal or post it to a dream wall.
Try to keep it positive. Instead of writing “I want to lose 20 pounds” you might say, “I want a healthier, lighter body that allows me to live with more freedom.
The 24 Things experience allows us to call in what serves our highest potential as the clutter in our lives, hearts and minds falls away.
The Rules:
1: No purchases for the next 24 days. You can only buy necessities. If you see something you want, start a list. If, at the end of the 24 days, you still desire it, then go on and splurge. Chances are you wont even remember what it was you wanted.
2: ONE THING each day. Focus on letting go of one item or group of items each day. A daily practice retrains the mind, redirects the your subtle energy, and establishes a new way of thinking.
Resist the urge to pick 24 items and dump them in the first week.
3: Every day you will either nourish something that serves your highest good or let go of something that hinders it.
3: Share. Log onto The 24 Things and share your thoughts. I look forward to hearing from you.
4: Namaste

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